♥ Through it all,
Wednesday, December 7, 2011 3:49:00 PM

Eh hi , so , it's been 1 weeks since i updated my blog . 
Hmm , kinda lazy . Okay bye , will update again another day .
Have nothing to share today and plus i'm lazy :P Byeeee ~

Wednesday, November 30, 2011 1:01:00 PM

Hey hi hello ~ See , JUNHO SO CUTE ! Lol , i'm bored and sleepy .
Dun know what to do . 
Feel like sleeping but i dun want . 
Haiiii . I won't be writing much , since i dun know what to write :P 
Will post photos instead ~ 
Sorry if its blur :( Okay bye ~

Wooyoungie ♥

10:39:00 AM

Hellohello , i'm back ~ i'm kinda lazy to update so will be leaving this blog to rot for awhile ==
Hmmm , so what did i do today ?
Woke up at 8 then bathe then on comp then go facebook and twitter then watch videos .
Now i'm watching The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron , kinda lame == 
Shall watch 2PM show then ~ Let's post pictures of 2PM ! :)
2PM ♥

Nichkhun ♥ and the small kid i forget his name ==
Junho ♥
Wooyoung ♥

Wooyoung and Nichkhun ♥

Monday, November 28, 2011 1:38:00 PM

Okay i'm back ~ Listened to 2PM songs and watched 2PM show and some other stuffs . 
Funny ah . Watched 2PM show till episode 9 only . Will continue watching other days . 
Hmm , thats all , byebye :) Will post pictures of 2pm :)

JUNHOOOOOO ♥ Cute right ?

Nichkhun ♥
Wooyoungggg ♥

12:19:00 PM

Hellohello :) Long time nvr blog leh . Hahaha , who cares , no one reads it anyway :)
So this is my first post . Hmm , i dun know what to write leh . Currently watching 2PM videos .
Will continue posting later after watching videos and doing other stuffs . So this is it for now , BUHBYE . I'll be back ~

End off with a gif of Junho :) <3
Haha , so big :) cute right ? :P okay byes ~ BRB .

Yours truly,

With love♥

♥ Every year I get older on 18 November ♥
♥ Plays as C/WD
♥ 2PM ♥♥♥ MBLAQ ♥♥♥

With Loves,

Netballers ♥.
Ashiqin .
Ying Yu .
Minni .
Yi Jing .
Fatin .
Fazira .
Ranjitha .
Jiawei .
Sihui .

I LOVE 2PM ♥ Lee Junho ♥ Jang Wooyoung ♥ Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul ♥ Kim Junsu ♥ Hwang Chansung ♥ Ok Taecyeon ♥ MBLAQ ♥ Seungho ♥ G.O ♥ Lee Joon ♥ Cheondung ♥ Mir ♥


Click for my wishlist!

  • Promote to sec 3
  • Buy alot of 2PM stuffs !
  • Go to 2PM concert !
  • Go to MBLAQ concert !

  • Craps,

    Sharzleenadia ♥